Integral Church St. Petersburg

Crisp Park service

Integral Church is a St. Petersburg, FL-based non-profit group and interfaith organization (religious and non-religious) committed to personal transformation, community service and religious literacy. We currently hold interfaith circles on the first Thursday and third Sunday of the month that are “radically inclusive” and (usually) feature a group discussion, storytelling, music and meditation.

Visit our Services page for more info.

Our Mission

Integral Church is an interspiritual and interfaith community for those who identify with a specific faith tradition as well as those identifying as “spiritually independent” or “religiously unaffiliated.”

It is our mission to deepen personal transformative practice, engage in community service and promote religious and interfaith literacy.

We embrace both wisdom and knowledge by including the beauty, goodness and truth found in the world’s myths, creation stories and faith traditions as well as scientific findings from the domains of psychology, biology and cosmology.

We are interested in carrying forward what works about religion and letting go of what doesn’t. We want to bring religion into the 21st century by replacing hierarchy with holarchy and practicing religion in a post-modern, peer-to-peer setting.

We are reclaiming previously stigmatized words like “church” and “religion” for those raised on pluralistic beliefs, multiculturalism and universal values (i.e. compassion, charity, playfulness, mindfulness and The Golden Rule). We express the three faces (or dimensions) of Spirit-in-Action (“I,” “we” and “it”) as we embody these values in our selves, express them throughout our culture and honor them in nature.

We are building radically inclusive forms of spiritual expression including new inter-generational rituals and rites of passage for young people and families, interfaith circles and study groups. We also believe in recognizing the new mythologies and sacred texts being written in our time (Star Wars, Dune, Harry Potter, etc.).

Integral Spirituality is not just a spirituality of “both/and” (masculine/feminine, transcendent/immanent, etc.), it is the belief that we all transcend and include, integrating more and more consciousness and complexity. The belief that something can be both changing and complete — unfolding, yet ever-present — this is the unique idea that Integral Spirituality offers to the world.


2019 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
Jan Magray, Vice President
Keirstin Proud, Secretary
Jeremy Johnson
Natalie Bantz-Johnson

2018 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
Jan Magray, Vice President
Aiyana Baida, Secretary
Alina Hall

2017 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
Jan Magray, Vice President
Aiyana Baida, Secretary
Patrick Wiggins, Treasurer
Alina Hall
Rachel Blasco

2016 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
David Warman, Treasurer
Aiyana Baida, Secretary
Alina Hall
Ashley Sweet
Jan Magray
Jennifer Oppelt

2015 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
David Warman, Treasurer
Aiyana Baida, Secretary
Alina Hall
Ashley Sweet
Catherine St. John
Jan Magray
Jennifer Oppelt

2014 Board of Directors

Joran Oppelt, President
Jennifer Oppelt, Treasurer
Catherine St. John, Secretary
Jan Magray
Jacqueline Marie Olson
Ashley Sweet

2013 Board of Directors:

Joran Oppelt, President
Shanna Gillette, Vice President
Jennifer Oppelt, Treasurer
Lorrie McMurrian, Secretary
Catherine St. John
Los Palmer
Kevin O’Dunn

Established, 2012

Co-founder, Joran Oppelt
Co-founder, Joanelle Lusk